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Food can be so stimulating to the senses that it can take you down memory lane to your childhood. What if it can be more than just stimulating? What if you could cook an entree that takes you on a new elevated experience? Mission Brands is proud to present a new addition to culinary art, cannabinoid-infused savory tinctures called Kitchen Gourmet.

Kitchen Gourmet can be added or cooked into nearly any dish. You can even “elevate” that family recipe you’ve been cooking for years.

A photo of the all-new Kitchen Gourmet Products lined up. Flavors are Garlic, Chili, Lemon, and Rosemary.

Since Kitchen Gourmet is made with grapeseed oil and is infused using natural ingredients, cooking with it is as easy as 1-2-3 and will combine with your recipe seamlessly. Here’s a simple recipe for an “Elevated” Chicken Alfredo Pasta. The trick for making this an “elevated” meal is to marinate the chicken with your Kitchen Gourmet tincture of choice. We chose to marinate our chicken with the Kitchen Gourmet: Garlic to go with the overall taste of the recipe.

Photo of the Kitchen Gourmet: Garlic being used to marinate a chicken.

When marinating your chicken, use a fork to poke holes into the chicken to ensure the oil seeps through the surface. Make sure to spread the Kitchen Gourmet oil all over the surface of the chicken. Use a .5ml for 16 mg of THC or a whole drop for 32 mg of THC. Remember that some of the oil will burn off when cooking the chicken. 2 – 3 drops will provide a mellow high for the recreational user. 1 drop should be enough for a light user.

We topped off our chicken with pepper, salt, and Italian herbs.

Chicken frying in a pan seasoned with pepper, salt, and italian herbs. Also has Kitchen Gourmet marinade.

Make sure your water is heating up with a tablespoon or two of salt, and add your pasta of choice to the water when it begins to boil(set a timer or keep an eye on pasta). 


Time to cook the chicken! Make sure to use a pan with a lid so we can cook the chicken thoroughly on medium-low heat for as long as possible WITHOUT flipping it. If flipped too soon, we risk gravity pulling out the oil onto the pan. Have a thermometer on hand to check the temperature. Cook the chicken with the lid on until you notice the top of your chicken looking nice and cooked. Poke the surface with a thermometer and when it hits 165 degrees Fahrenheit, flip it and cook for another minute, then remove the chicken. Pasta may very well be done at this time; eat one just to ensure. Strain the pasta and set aside. In the same pan used to cook the chicken, begin cooking the Alfredo Sauce(If you used a small pan to cook your chicken, grab a medium saucepan). 

For the Alfredo Sauce, you will need the following:

  • ¼ cup of butter
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 ½ cup of GRATED Parmesan Cheese(Emphasis on the grated because we want it to melt easily)
  • 1 clove garlic minced or crushed(or more, we love extra garlic)
  • ¼ cup freshly cut parsley

Step 1: Gather all the ingredients for the sauce

Step 2: Melt the butter in the saucepan over low heat. Then, stir in cream and simmer for 5 minutes.

Step 3: Add the grated cheese and the minced/crushed garlic; whisk continuously until heated and the cheese is melted.

Step 4: Stir in Parsley and your cooked pasta.


Once the pasta is mixed in, slice the chicken to combine it with the pasta or gently lay it on top. Plate and serve. You have just successfully created an “Elevated Meal”!

Chicken alfredo plated with the chicken layered on top.

To create other “Elevated” meals, find the right place in the recipe to use your Kitchen Gourmet. Need to marinate before you start cooking? Drop some Kitchen Gourmet in the marinade. Making a stew in a slow cooker? Mix in some Kitchen Gourmet in the last hour before serving. Did you say Macaroni & Cheese? Place a few drops of Kitchen Gourmet in the cheese sauce before mixing in the elbows. Don’t limit yourself, use your imagination and make something you, your family, and your friends will remember forever.