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New industry-backed research into the potential anti-anxiety effects of cannabidiol found that an oral CBD solution effectively treated mild to moderate anxiety, as well as associated depression and poor sleep quality, with no serious adverse events observed. Use of the CBD solution “showed therapeutic efficacy, excellent safety, and tolerability in treating not only mild to moderate anxiety disorders (primary end point of the study), but also associated depression and disturbances in sleep quality (Secondary endpoint of the study)” the paper says, “with no incidences of withdrawal anxiety upon dose tapering at the end of the treatment.”

“Our findings indicate that administering 300-600 mg of nanodispersible CBD oral solution for 12 weeks is effective in treating mild to moderate anxiety disorders and associated depression and sleep quality disturbances,” authors wrote. “These findings align with the growing body of evidence indicating that CBD may have anxiolytic effects if administered for a longer duration, ranging from 4 to 12 weeks.”


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