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A new poll published on 11/8 showed that opinions on legalization are at an all-time high in the U.S. An estimated 68% of Americans said “yes” to the question, “Do you think the use of marijuana should be legal, or not?” 

Pro-cannabis opinions reached a milestone with 58% in favor of legalization back in 2013, which was shortly after Colorado and Washington State legalized cannabis. In 2014, the favor percentage decreased slightly to 51%, and then steadily increased back to 59% in 2015, followed by 60% in 2016, 64% in 2017, 66% in 2018, 64% in 2019, 68% in 2020, 2021, and 2022, and finally jumping to 70% in 2023.

Increased support is still seen in younger ages, with 79% of 18-34 year-olds in support, 71% of 31-35-year-olds, and 64% of over 55.

“There are no significant differences in support by gender, race or education,” the poll stated. “While most of the regional differences seen this year are also not statistically significant, the lower support for legalization in the East than in the West and Midwest is consistent with the recent trend.”

Gallup authors stated that cannabis is more popular and mainstream than ever. “The nation has reached a broad consensus on legalizing marijuana, with a full seven in 10 now supportive,” the poll stated in its conclusion. “Not only do most U.S. adults favor it, but so do majorities of all major political and ideological subgroups.”


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