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A recent study showed that Cannabis users who contracted Covid-19 had better outcomes and reduced mortality compared to people who do not use marijuana. It also showed Cannabis and its compounds hold the potential to limit the “susceptibility and severity of infection” from COVID-19, while also showing promise in the treatment of long COVID symptoms such as anxiety, depression and decreased appetite.

“Marijuana smokers had better outcomes and mortality compared to non-users,” the authors of the study wrote in their conclusion. “The beneficial effect of marijuana use may be attributed to its potential to inhibit viral entry into cells and prevent the release of proinflammatory cytokines, thus mitigating cytokine release syndrome.” The analysis determined that cannabis users had significantly lower mortality compared to non-users (2.9% compared to 13.5%). Cannabis users also had significantly lower rates of complications associated with Covid-19, such as intubation, acute respiratory failure and multiorgan failure.

For Long Covid, Cannabis and its compounds hold the potential to limit the “susceptibility and severity of infection” from COVID-19, while also showing promise in the treatment of symptoms such as anxiety, depression and decreased appetite. Those who reported cannabis use (this skewed towards a younger demographic), reported better symptoms and were diagnosed with Long Covid less frequently than those who did not report cannabis use. 

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