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A lesser-known cannabinoid, THCV, appears to have more energizing effects without the fatigue and “munchies” associated with marijuana’s more prominent delta-9 THC compound, according to a new double-blind clinical study. The results of the study they conducted, showed that a THCV product “significantly increased energy, activity, motivation and well-being compared to placebo.”

Researchers gave 78 participants either unmedicated placebo gummies, delta-9 THC-only gummies or gummies infused with Phylos’s “Get Sh!t Done” THCV-dominant plant. They found that 20% of participants who received the THCV gummies reported feeling more “energized” compared to the placebo, 40% more said they enjoyed daily activities after taking the novel cannabinoid. While 50 percent of those who took the standard THC-only gummy reported increased hunger, that effect was not statistically significant in the THCV group. Also, the THC-only cohort was three times as likely to report fatigue compared to those who received THCV. Both the THC-only and THCV gummies “increased activity, exercise performance, motivation, and well-being compared to placebo”.


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