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Recent changes have indicated a shift in attitudes towards cannabis use in higher education institutions. In a significant departure from previous policies, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has advised its governing bodies to stop testing and penalizing student-athletes for cannabis use. This acknowledgment that cannabis is not a performance-enhancing substance reflects similar changes made by professional sports organizations.

Academic institutions are also recognizing cannabis’ role in the economy by preparing students for careers in the industry. To help fill the need for qualified workers and entrepreneurs, the University of California, Riverside, has partnered with an online cannabis education provider to offer certificate programs in healthcare, agriculture, business, and regulatory compliance. These programs recognize cannabis’ role in the economy and prepare students for careers in this growing industry.

The changes made have shown significant steps towards developing evidence-based policies on adult cannabis use and objective evaluation of the cannabis industry as a legitimate business. Removing punitive measures recognizes that responsible cannabis consumption should not be considered immoral or unethical conduct among students. By offering vocational training in cannabis, Higher Education is helping the normalization of cannabis and its growing role in the modern economic landscape.

Education is evolving, embracing change, and acknowledging hard facts about cannabis. While there is still work to be done, recent developments show a promising shift away from old-school policies steeped in stigma. Students have pushed for this progress, and it’s paying off. Though these steps may be small, they signal a more significant shift toward fairness and acceptance on campus. It’s high time for outdated biases to be challenged, and these changes are a step in the right direction.

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